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Tegra Graphics Debugger


Tegra Graphics Debugger is a free tool from NVIDIA for debugging and profiling OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0/3.1, OpenGL 4.x and Android Extension Pack. Supported host OS are Windows 7/8, Mac OS X 10.9 and Ubuntu Linux x64 10.10/11.04/12.04. Supported target platform is Tegra K1 Android.

As for PerfHUD ES, it focus on Tegra Android platform before and include Tegra 4.

In GTC 2014, there is a talk “SG4116: Tegra K1 Developer Tools for Android, Sebastien Domine” which gives introudction of Tegra Graphics Debugger. You may watch online video starting from 29:05 and download presentation.

Getting Started

Tegra Graphics Debugger is part of Tegra Android Development Pack which is free for download, but requires NVIDIA GameWorks Registered Developer Program membership. You may check online document here or search below doc after installation.

  • Launch Tegra Graphics Debugger
~/NVPACK/Tegra_Graphics_Debugger$ ./tegra-gfx-debugger
  • Performance Dashboard will be the first view after established connection to target device and launch application.
  • Frame Debugger: Trigger the Capture Frame button.
  • Frame Profiler: From the View menu, select Profiler.
  • Dynamic Shader Editing: Open the API Inspector, navigate to the Program page.


GPU Technology Conference On-Demand
Tegra Android Development Pack